Archives: Lessons
The Base Chakra
COLOR: White LOCATION: Base of spinal column PETALS: 4” POSITIVE EXPRESSIONS: purity, hope, joy, self-discipline, integration, perfection, wholeness, nurturing. UNBALANCED EXPRESSION: discouragement, hopelessness, impurity, chaos. PART OF BODY: adrenals MUSICAL INSTRUMENT: drum, tabla GEMSTONE: diamond, pearl, zircon, quartz crystal SPIRITUAL TRADITION: Hinduism ARCHANGEL: Archangel Gabriel We cannot evolve spiritually without having a secure physical platform. […]
The Seat of the Soul Chakra
LOCATION: midway between the navel and base of the spine COLOR: violet SANSKRIT NAME: Svadhishthana (“sweetness” or “abode of the self”) PETALS: 6 POSITIVE EXPRESSION: freedom, mercy, forgiveness, justice, transcendence, alchemy, transmutation, diplomacy, intuition, prophecy, revelation UNBALANCED EXPRESSION: lack of forgiveness, justice or mercy; intolerance, lack of tact, disregard for others, cruelty PART OF BODY: organs […]
The Solar Plexus Chakra
LOCATION: at the navel COLOR: purple and gold with ruby flecks SANSKRIT NAME: Manipura (“city of jewels” or “filled with jewels”) PETALS: 10 POSITIVE EXPRESSION: peace, brotherhood, selfless service, right desire, balance, harmlessness UNBALANCED EXPRESSION: anger, agitation, fanaticism, aggression, egoism, overindulgence, fear, anxiety, passivity PART OF BODY: digestive system, liver, pancreas MUSICAL INSTRUMENT: organ GEMSTONE: topaz, ruby, […]
Clearing the Energy Centers
The Karmic Equation Another way to understand how our past actions affect our life today is to look at the karmic debris surrounding our chakras from the perspective of Feng Shui. Feng Shui is the ancient Oriental art of arranging our external environment to create harmony and balance in our life. The masters of Feng […]
The Heart Chakra
LOCATION: center of chest COLOR: pink, rose SANSKRIT NAME: Anahata (unbeaten or unbroken) PETALS: 12 POSITIVE EXPRESSION: love, compassion, beauty, selflessness, sensitivity, appreciation, comfort, creativity, charity, generosity UNBALANCED EXPRESSION: hatred, dislike, selfishness, self-pity, human sympathy, negligence PART OF BODY: heart, thymus, circulatory system MUSICAL INSTRUMENT: harp GEMSTONE: ruby, diamond, garnet, rose quartz, pink beryl SPIRITUAL TRADITION: […]
The Throat Chakra
LOCATION: throat COLOR: blue SANSKRIT NAME: Vishuddha (“pure” or “purify”) PETALS: 16 POSITIVE EXPRESSION: power, will, faith, protection, direction, courage, obedience UNBALANCED EXPRESSION: control, condemnation, idle chatter, gossip, human willfulness, impotence, cowardice, doubt PART OF BODY: thyroid, lungs, respiratory system MUSICAL INSTRUMENT: brass GEMSTONE: diamond, sapphire, star sapphire, lapis lazuli SPIRITUAL TRADITION: Judaism ARCHANGEL: Michael I practice right speech Every single […]
The Third Eye Chakra
LOCATION: between the eyebrows COLOR: emerald green SANSKRIT NAME: Ajna (“to command”) PETALS: 96 (or 2) POSITIVE EXPRESSION: truth, vision, holding the highest vision of myself and others, healing, wholeness, abundance, clarity, constancy, focus, music, science UNBALANCED EXPRESSION: falsehood, lack of vision, mental criticism, lack of clarity, inconstancy, spiritual impoverishment PART OF BODY: pituitary (or pineal), […]
The Crown Chakra
LOCATION: crown COLOR: yellow, gold SANSKRIT NAME: Sahasrara (“thousandfold”) PETALS: 972 POSITIVE EXPRESSION: illumination, wisdom, self-knowledge and Self-knowledge, understanding, humility, cosmic consciousness, open-mindedness UNBALANCED EXPRESSION: intellectual and spiritual pride, vanity, intellectualism, ego-centeredness, narrowmindedness, ignorance PART OF BODY: pineal (or pituitary), cerebral cortex, nervous system MUSICAL INSTRUMENT: strings GEMSTONE: yellow diamond, yellow sapphire, topaz SPIRITUAL TRADITION: […]
Sealing Your Chakras
We can also experience an energy drain when we get into a spiritually unhealthy environment. For example, sometimes when we interact with someone who is glum, we begin to feel sad our- selves. Just by being in a crowd or in a big shopping mall, we can get exhausted and out of sorts. This happens […]