Chakra Lessons


If the river flows clearly and cleanly through the proper channel, all will be well along its banks.

Every moment energy is flowing to us, and every moment we are deciding whether we will put a positive or negative spin on it.

By the law of the circle, the law of karma, that energy will return to us. When the positive energy returns (as positive karma), we see positive things come into our life and we have vitality.

The energy that has a negative spin on it, because we have used it to harm rather than help others, also returns to us (as negative karma)—this time seeking resolution.

This energy is like debris that collects around our seven energy centers, hampering the natural flow of light and vitality through our body’s energy system.

When our energy centers and the channels that connect them are clogged, the chakras don’t spin at their native frequency or unfold their full potential.

We can feel sluggish, pessimistic or sick without even knowing why.

When our chakras and the circuits of energy that connect them are clear, we feel more energetic and positive, joyful and giving.


Clearing the Energy Centers

The Karmic Equation

Another way to understand how our past actions affect our life today is to look at the karmic debris surrounding our chakras from the perspective of Feng Shui.

Feng Shui is the ancient Oriental art of arranging our external environment to create harmony and balance in our life.

The masters of Feng Shui teach that clutter in our physical environment inhibits the flow of energy (or ch’i) in our surroundings.

They say that flow of energy (or lack of it) powerfully affects our health, our finances, our relationships—the very course of our life.

In exactly the same way, “karmic clutter” can create blockages in the flow of energy at subtle, energetic levels within us, slowing us down physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually.

Karmic debris is like the leaves that clog up a drain after a storm. In order for the water to run through the drain properly, we must clear away the leaves.

Likewise, in order for spiritual energy to flow through and activate our chakras, we need to clear the effluvia that clings to these sacred centers.

Just as we wash off the dirt and grime we pick up every day, so we can have a daily ritual of bathing and purifying our chakras.

A High-Frequency Spiritual Energy

The prayers and practices handed down through the world’s religions are sacred formulas that call forth the light of the Holy Spirit for purification.

In some spiritual traditions, this powerfully transforming energy has been seen as a violet light, known as the violet flame.

Just as a ray of sunlight passing through a prism is refracted into the seven colors of the rainbow, so spiritual light manifests as seven rays, or flames.

When we call forth these spiritual flames in our prayers and meditations, each flame creates a specific action in our body, mind and soul.

The violet flame is the color and frequency of spiritual light that stimulates mercy, forgiveness and transmutation.

To “transmute” is to alter, to change something into a higher form. The term was used centuries ago by alchemists who attempted, on a physical level, to transmute base metals into gold—and, on a spiritual level, to achieve transformation and eternal life.

That is precisely what the violet flame can do.

It is a high-frequency spiritual energy that separates out the “gross” elements of our karma from the gold of our true self so we can achieve our highest potential.

The violet flame also acts like the atmospheric pressure on a barometer.

As we call forth the violet flame to consume the debris around the chakras, it presses down. The pressure and acceleration of this light within us causes the Kundalini to rise naturally and nourish the other chakras.

What makes the violet flame such a powerful tool? In our physical world, violet light has the highest frequency in the visible spectrum.

Fritjof Capra in The Tao of Physics explains that “violet light has a high frequency and a short wavelength and consists therefore of photons of high energy and high momentum.”

Of all the spiritual flames, the violet flame is closest in vibratory action to the chemical elements and compounds in our physical universe, and therefore it has the greatest ability to interpenetrate and transform matter at atomic and subatomic levels.

You can recite affirmations and prayers to the violet flame as an adjunct to your own spiritual practice.

Those of us who have used the violet flame in our prayers have found that it does help resolve patterns of consciousness, dispel inner pain and bring balance into our lives.

It creates an awareness and an attunement with the inner self that makes for creativity and a feeling being alive and well and in action for good on earth.

One woman wrote to me and said, “For years I had consulted with psychologists; they had helped me to see causes, but how could I change?”

She started working with violet-flame prayers every day and said the violet flame penetrated and dissolved core resentment. “Through the violet flame,” she said, “I emerged healthy, vigorous and grateful.”

I’ve seen thousands of people work successfully with the violet flame.

It takes a different amount of time—anywhere from a day to several months—for each person to see results. But if you remain constant, you will begin to feel the difference.

I always recommend that those who are new to the violet flame experiment with it. I tell them to give violet-flame prayers and affirmations for at least a month, fifteen minutes a day, and to note the positive changes that start to take place in their life.

You can give these affirmations during your morning prayer ritual, while you’re in the shower or getting ready for the day, or even as you travel to work, do your errands or exercise.


Set up your angels altar

Spiritual Techniques

You can use the “Chakra Affirmations” in this section to purify and energize your chakras so that you can experience the highest levels of your spiritual potential. These affirmations start with the central chakra, the heart chakra, and move in a spiral action through the chakras above and below the heart.

Chakra Affirmations

I AM a being of violet fire,
I AM the purity God desires!*

*Each set of affirmations is typically given at least three times or in multiples of three.

My heart is a chakra of violet fire, My heart is the purity God desires!
I AM a being of violet fire, I AM the purity God desires!

My throat chakra is a wheel of violet fire, My throat chakra is the purity God desires!
I AM a being of violet fire, I AM the purity God desires!

My solar plexus is a sun of violet fire, My solar plexus is the purity God desires!
I AM a being of violet fire, I AM the purity God desires!

My third eye is a center of violet fire, My third eye is the purity God desires!
I AM a being of violet fire, I AM the purity God desires!

My soul chakra is a sphere of violet fire, My soul is the purity God desires!
I AM a being of violet fire, I AM the purity God desires!

My crown chakra is a lotus of violet fire, My crown chakra is the purity God desires!
I AM a being of violet fire, I AM the purity God desires!

My base chakra is a fount of violet fire, My base chakra is the purity God desires!
I AM a being of violet fire, I AM the purity God desires!

Set up your angels altar

Violet Flame Challenge

15-Minutes a Day Is All It Takes. Use these simple, spiritual techniques, to heal Body, Mind, and Soul.

Go to and sign up for a 30-day challenge.

Set up your angels altar

Make notes in your journal

List three specific situations that might be improved with the violet flame

Can you see how karma slows you down in life?

Keep up the good work!

Bring these advanced chakra secrets to your friends!